Thursday, November 5, 2009

Other Stories of Stolen Cars

I asked people on Facebook to tell me their stolen car stories. Here they are. Thank you!

MARGO'S STORY: You pay extra for car insurance in San Francisco because no matter where you live the insurance companies know that at some point your car will be stolen. Mine was — from Russian Hill — twice. Found both times not so far away, on the street, in the Tenderloin.

The cops told me that Hondas were the easiest cars to break into, so car thieves loved to break in to keep their hand in. To deter them, my friend Gary devised a little red light on the dashboard that stayed on but was not connected to any real alarm system. The thieves were not fooled: they ripped off the car, left it in the usual place, and to show their contempt, pulled out the red light and left it on the driver’s seat.

CLARE'S STORY: Here's my story (happened to a friend of mine, name changed). Harold's car was stolen, and he was especially upset cause he was in the midst of remodeling and had a lot of tools in the trunk. Surprisingly, he got it back about 10 days later — and there were *more* tools in the trunk than were his! He came out ahead actually. Amazing.

LAURA'S STORY: I decided to go out with some friends (I was 18 at the time and that's what we did). I got home and one of my parents' two cars was gone. Knowing it was having problems, I assumed it was at the shop. When I got up in the morning, the police were at my house because the car had in fact been stolen.

Apparently, about 15 minutes before I got home, our dogs were going crazy so my step-dad sent them to the basement. They were still young dogs and he thought they were just playing. He then went back to bed.

The police officer asked if anything was missing and apparently the perpetrators took the keys to the car off the decorative key-holder in our kitchen, and also took a large, sharp, kitchen knife.

If I had come home 15 minutes earlier, I would have been met by two men, armed with a knife, intent on stealing our car. The car was later found, intact but trashed, in Englewood, NJ.

I know you were looking for short and witty, but I send you this hoping you'll count your blessings.

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