Mysteries and Cats
“Well, Sally” I said, “I have read a few and sad to say they are just a great big disappointment, with cats thinking convoluted thoughts and solving mysteries and being so cute one could retch.” Sally nods. She knows that the beauty of cats is that they think simply and clearly and cut to the heart of the matter. Cute is like less than nothing to them. Sally allows that I can give up on finding mysteries and head for well-plotted novels with good writing and surprising twists and turns.
In that vein I recommend Ann Patchett’s; The Magician’s Assistant, which has a wonderful opening line: “Parsifal is dead. That is the end of the story”…. a contender for the best opening line of a novel, previously held (in my mind at least) by “This is the saddest story ever told”, the fist line of The Good Soldier by Ford Maddox Ford. The novel goes on to spin a tale that has many layers, all of them absorbing and beautifully written. It seems that Parsifal concocted his entire childhood. His true history is revealed when his mother and sister show up after his death.
Yes, of course there is a rabbit involved. He has a job as rabbits do in the magic act and is a member of the family… he is loved and watched, so that he doesn’t take a dip in the pool thinking he can swim. Sally has just shuddered at the very thought of water.
Other books by Ann Patchett: Run and Bel Canto for which she won Pen/Faulkner award and the Orange Prize.